Category Archives: Genre

Hekuras (Visual Installation)

2002 - Tania Fraga, Brazilian Computer artist, created original virtual art worlds that became projected environments/installations on stage for the dances - Hekuras - Spirits of the Rainforest (Brazil, 2002) and Hekuras - Spirits of the Rainforest (GW, 2010) The virtual ...

Akademie der Künste Festival (Berlin, Germany)

1981 - West Berlin, Germany (May 1981) Akademie der Künste International Festival (Academy of Arts) established in 1696, invited John Driscoll and MWDCCo to participate in the Festival in 1981  Our involvement included: ▪   3-week Creative Residency: John Driscoll, electronic composer/musician, and ...

Conference on Dance (Volgograd, Russia)

1997 Volgograd, Russia (June 1997) Conference on Dance, Volgograd Centre for Dance, Volgograd, Russia; Travel sponsored by US Embassy in Moscow, Russia  Maida's first presence in Russia •   Maida Withers delivered a paper and showed video of Utah Spirit Place Spirit ...

Interview – Dance and Technology

2003 - Stacy Palatt, GW Master of Arts in Dance, interviews Maida on the role technology has played in Maida's work as an artist and collaborator and Maida's views on the possibilities of dance and technology Maida was one of ...

Cuba (Havana and Santiago de Cuba)

2007 (February 5 to 10) - USA modern dancers traveled to Santiago de Cuba under the leadership of Jim LePore to study the dance and music ritual of the professional company,  Cutumba Ballet Folklorico Santiago de Cuba  At the time, ...

Hilda Thorpe Tribute – Artists’ Studio Performance

December 4, 1999 - Birthday tribute to Hilda Thorpe at her Artists' Studio in downtown Alexandria, Virginia Maida collaborated with Thorpe, a brilliant American painter and sculptor - part of the illustrious Washington Color School - on several projects engaging the ...

Shocked and Odd – Live Art (Russia)

2005 - Shocked and Odd - Live  Art was an idea encouraging extreme movement and character concepts for improvisation that took place in Russia with an American living in Amsterdam, two Americans living in the USA, and one dancer from ...

Solovky Island, Gulag Residency, Russia

[embed]https://vimeocom/429686550[/embed] 2004 - Solosphere Project took place on Solovky Island,  White Sea of Russia - Art Angar Contemporary Center for Art (Hanger for the blimp that transported food and materials to the Gulag:  Maida Withers and Anthony Gongora, dancers, Linda Lewett, ...

Spirit Figures

[embed]https://vimeocom/100934861[/embed] 1992 - Spirit Figures is  part of Dance for the Earth created in commemoration and for the United Nation's Earth Summer (Eco '92) in Brazil   Spirit figures wer created from discarded items (trash, like plastic) that create horrific destruction to ...

Fascination – Improvisation in Concert

[embed]https://vimeocom/99629619[/embed] 1994 -Jey Young Kim and Maida Withers improvise in concert  in Washington, DC to a poem Fascination,  by Young Tai Kim, Korea, that "expresses our inner feelings-sometimes kin and on other occasions, cruel  As in life we go through a ...