Category Archives: Work

White Mansions – Holy Rood Cemetery

1975 - The first performance took place at the newly renovated Washington Project for the Arts space on 1227 G Street NW,  Washington, DC 1975 In cleaning out the pigeon dung in the 3rd floor space we discovered a long piece of ...

Pnumberal Raincoast and other performances

Washington Project for the Arts, Thursday, Feb 27, 1975 and Friday Feb 28, 1975 at 1227 G Street NW (Year in question) Program: Listening Out Loud John Driscoll (Steve Bloom, Joh Driscoll, Phil Edelstein) Wild Song - Julie Schwartz (Thursday only) NOMESPUS (Friday, only)  ...

Put on the Music…Let’s Dance (1975)

1975 or 1976 - This performance took place at the Washington Project for the Arts on 1227 G Street NW, Washington, DC  The space was a very large space (third floor) with high ceiling and a red brick wall for ...

Maida Withers Dance Concert Celebrates Founding of MWDCCo

1974 - Maida Withers Dance Concert  MWDCCo applied for federal 501-C-3 tax-exempt status as a non-profit cultural organization in 1974  501-C3 Status was achieved in 1976 Dance Concert by Maida Withers included four dances and several dancers who became co-founding members ...

Yesterday’s Garlands and Yesterday’s Kisses

1974 - Evening length performance – nostalgia coupled with absurdity - emotional gestures combined and exaggerated  revealing insanity of personal emotional gestures Yesterday's Garlands and Yesterday's Kisses (18 min of a 45 minute dance), created and performed November 1, 1974 by ...

Changing the System

1974 - The performance at the Columbus Museum of Art featured music by John Driscoll based on the original score, Changing the System (1973), by Christian Wolff   Maida Withers Dance Construction Company was joined by dancers from Ohio State University ...

Dance/Sound Events (Tin Tabernacle Series)

1973 - 1974  Maida Withers Dance Construction Company presented five evenings of Dance/Sound events, the Tin Tabernacle Series, with sculptor/musician, John Driscoll, in a dome-shaped space, Tin Tabernacle (a large gymnasium with a curved roof of tin somewhat in the ...

Last Lecture Series

1973 - The Last Lecture Series is a national program, an invitational opportunity to give a lecture on a subject of importance or interest  Maida chose to dance and talk about dancing and about things in life that an artist ...

Dance Improvisation Performances

1972 -  Starting in 1972, every six to 10 weeks,  Maida Withers, Brook Andrews, John Bailey, and GW MA graduate students created dance and movement improvisation events in GW's Building K gymnasium and Building J dance studio spaces and in ...

Laser Dance I (Duet)

Michael Kilgore and Lynda Gatozzi, Original Cast 1971 - Maida Withers met Rockne Krebs, laser sculptor, in Washington, DC where they eventually served together on the Board of Directors for  Washington Project for the Arts For the first collaboration, Laser Dance I, ...

From Movement to Dance: People, Creatures, Things

  [embed]http://vimeocom/108531246[/embed] 1967 - Maida created this 16mm film as part of her educational engagement with dance for children Maida was an active participant in the inauguration of the USA national Artist-in-Schools initiative that brought artists into public schools for curriculum development ...

Early works -1966 to 1973

1964 thru 1973 - Works were created by Maida Withers in Washington, DC prior to establishing Maida Withers Dance Construction Company  Performers included dancers from the community and MA and BA dance alumni or students at George Washington University  Regrettably, ...


1969 – Malaise A pervasive vulgarity; 2 men 4 women; Premiere – Music: Dixon; Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC   Brilliant undergraduate GW dancers including  Julia Hart, Jim Bunting, Jeanne Jones (See http://maidadancecom/works/early-works-by-maida-withers-1966-to-1971/) Standing figure: Ulysses Dove (became Cunningham and Ailey dancer)  ...

Improvisation _ Washington Project for the Arts

1975 Washington Project for the Arts was founded in 1975 by the art impresario Alice Denney, organizer of the legendary NOW Festival in 1966  Artists joined in cleaning out the bird dung in a vacated building that was formerly a building ...

Dance of the Auroras – Fire in the Sky: Science and Art

  A public presentation of Dance of the Auroras - Fire in the Sky  was  sponsored by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in the large domed Albert Einstein Planetarium, Washington, DC the week prior to the premiere of the stage ...