Category Archives: Work

Gloucester New Arts Festival

Gloucester New Arts Festival (2005-2009) that specialized in site-specific art and theatre performances founded by Sarah Slifer, GW Dance Alumni, in Gloucester, MA - city on the sea outside of Boston  Maida performed a solo, "Rage" in the theatre; and perform ...

Dance Construction Company 1974 – 2006

[embed]http://vimeocom/16188943[/embed] Dance Construction Company: 1974-2006 (31:23) "This video is part of the Washington Project for the Arts (WPA) Catalyst anniversary exhibition that highlights 35 years of WPA's history The WPA retrospective curated by JW Mahoney demonstrates the continuing uniqueness, resilience, and catalytic ...

Phase Tracing Movements – Title???

The movements from Phase Tracing developed with four dancers  These moves became Catching Butterflies and Other things that Move  Need to do more research in the ARCHIVES  This is a holding station for these photos Don, Maida, Diane

Earth Spirit Rising

[embed]https://vimeocom/93606130[/embed] 1990   “It is my desire to bring to life, through dance, music, and visual imagery, the extraordinary physical and spiritual powers experienced when visiting the land of the four corners area in the Southwestern United States and to express the ...

Essays Part I: Of the Mind; Part II: Of the Heart

1966 - Choreography with GW dancers explores the balance and conflict between the impulses of the mind and that of the heart  Obviously that was of concern to the artist in the emerging Post-Modern expressive conversation Of the Heart Of the Mind Of ...

Naked Truth – Tzveta Artisphere Solo

[embed]http://vimeocom/31281607[/embed] 2011 - Tzveta Kassabova performs an excerpt of her solo from the 20 minute trio, Naked Truth, for Maida Withers Films at Artisphere Theatre, Arlington, VA Choreography - Maida Withers with Tzveta Kassabova Dancer - Tzveta Kassabova Music - Steve Hilmy performs live Maida ...

Psychedelic Dance

1968-69 - Psychedelic Dance  created by Maida Withers with GW Dancers  Oil was mixed in water and videotaped and projected on dancers in white attire  This dance was invited to be on Channel 4, NBC-TV  However when we arrived at the ...

Chain of Events

Video, Kennedy Center Archives:  http://wwwkennedy-centerorg/explorer/videos/?id=M6136&type=A December 8, 2014 - Chain of Events sheer imaginative fallout of movement Presented by Kennedy Center Millennium Stage Date/Time:  December 8, 2014 at 6:00 to 6:50  pm, FREE Location: Kennedy Center Theatre Lab; 2700 F Street, NW Washington, ...

Naked Truth – Tzveta Solo With Film Installation

[embed]https://vimeocom/73873364/[/embed] 2012 - Tzveta Kassabova performs with Film Installation of Tzveta dancing her solo from Naked Truth as part of Involuntary Encounters Event in Dorothy Betts Marvin Center: An evening of dance by dance artists, friends and former dancers with MWDCCo 2012 ...

Catalyst (UnDress)

2011  Anthony Gongora and Tzveta Kasabova, MWDCCo dancers, danced throughout  American University's Katzen Center for the Arts, Washington, DC  while taking clothes off and putting clothes on (no nudity) while doing a complex male/female duet for the Washington Project for ...

Spirit Path / Migration

Question regarding the location of this performance: Dance Place, Marvin Center Theatre???? Check program in archives [embed]https://vimeocom/101653079[/embed] View Spirit Path/Migration also on Earth Spirit Rising as a QUARTET: https://vimeocom/93606130  ( 0:32:50 to 0:48:50) 1990 - Spirit Path / Migration  is a duet conceived and ...

Mass – A Fifth Generation Radiator Brought to us on the Sabbath

1972 - Mass - A Fifth Generation Radiator Brought to Us on the Sabbath; A dance opera  Choreography:  Maida Withers; Music:  John Driscoll; Soloist, Sharron Beckenheimer (Rose) (GW MA dance student at the time) was a brilliant dance soloist with a cast ...


[embed]https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=HKlR5x0f8EA&t=23s[/embed] [embed]https://vimeocom/99726485[/embed] [embed]https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=HKlR5x0f8EA[/embed] TUK I (1:37) TUK (1:37) (2011) FILM - WEAK FORMATTING TUK (2:29) (2007) FILM Maida Withers and her art partner, Verabel Call Cluff, with the assistance of Joe Pachak, selected four locations (sites) in the Southeastern part of the State of Utah to ...

Re-Re Voltaire – WPA 35th Anniversary – H Street Revitalization

2010 - May 10, 17, & 24, 2010:   Re-Re Voltaire (Cabaret Voltaire) WPA sponsored a site event on H Street in celebration of their 35th Anniversary that  take place  in a vacant lot next to Gallery O/H at 1354 H ...


   IMPOSTERS PROPOSED PROJECT   Maida Withers / Dance Construction Company, USA, and Konstantin Grouss / Art-Residence, Russia, propose the creation of the performance project, Imposters, that explores the intimate boundary between our physical and digital identities, by bringing to life digital people, dance ...