Stone Ring

Original Performance on March 31, 1995

1995 –  Residency with international artists, Maida Withers, Marilia (Japan/Brazil/America), and Stephen Lockwood in Washington, DC to create an evening-length work performed in Studio J Theatre at GW.  The residency was held for the major artists to explore ideas for a performance, Stone Circle, to be presented in Tokyo, Japan June 3, 1995.   Stone Ring and Stone Circle eventually had nothing in common except the primary collaborators and some of the songs Marilia sang.  Dancers were BA and MFA students at George Washington University.

The rope and the rock were the visual elements for Stone Ring and, also for Stone Circle.  The ropes could drag the stones with ease to change location.  The rocks were used also as a place of refuge during performance.

We regret the inconvenience of the pole as an obstacle in the video.
We apologize if there is inaccurate listing of names or omissions in Dancers in Boots.
DC - Sarah Slifer - rope & rock, lunge & reach72.
Sarah Slifer

Artists and Collaborators
Concept / Choreographer
Poems / Text
Musician / Composer
Visual Artist / Painter
Additional Information