Category Archives: Films

Dance Portraits on Screen 2021

[embed]https://vimeocom/544797357[/embed] Dance Portraits on Screen 2021 This film by Maida Withers, choreographer, and Robin Bell, filmmaker, captures a portrait of young dancers, alone on screen for one minute, in Spring 2021 when COVID-19 was slowing down ...


  [embed]https://vimeocom/468693246[/embed] 2020 Tukuhnikivatz Film (3958) Edit from original (1:03:45) Film festivals: to view  and download Tukuhnikivatz use password:  filmfestivals1313   For discussion of Tukuhnikivatz premiere presentation in Sao Paulo Brazil visit:  https://youtube/vywdsBCnRII/ "I returned to the area of my birth with dancers to find ...

Ascenso – Buenos Aries, Argentina

Photos by:   ASCENSO https://vimeocom/556604884 2014 Maida was in Argentina showing dance films in a university seminar She became acquainted with a musician, dancer, filmmaker, Maximiliano Wille, and became involved with an art and technology event between two universities in Argentina Maxi ...

A Moving Interview, Maida Withers, Argentina

MOVING INTERVIEW Web page in Argentina with video and descriptions:  https://productoraobjetoawordpresscom/2014/02/26/entrevista-performatica-a-maida-withers/ Moving Interview Original unedited footage - Maida improvised talking and dancing  as Arceli Marquez, asked questions [embed]https://vimeocom/554723257[/embed] The footage here is unedited  It contains the total interview (55:00 minutes):| Three minute version of the moving ...

Collision Course – a.k.a. Pillow Talk (Installation FILM)

2012 - The video is compiled from projected images, a visual installation created for and projected during the evening-length multimedia performance, Collision Course - aka Pillow Talk, choreographed by Maida Withers in collaboration with the Dance Construction Company (Nate Bond, ...

Dance Portraits on Screen (Dance Films)

2011 - Concept for creating dance film shorts begun by MWDCCo in 2010 where the film making team collaborates with a selected artist (dancer/performance artist/others) to create a personal portrait (movement, language, life view, other) The initial goal was to ...

Collision Course – a.k.a. Pillow Talk (Film Short 7:24)

2011 - Film Short This intriguing film features three estranged characters, Nate Bond, Anthony Gongora, Giselle Ruzany, body parts wrapped in large white bed pillows secured to body parts with packaging tape These became body appendages - an armor of ...

Tzveta I Portraits on Screen (Film 7:42)

Tzveta Kassabova; Adam Peiperl, Photographer 2011 - In TZVETA I, Anthony Gongora creates a portrait of Tzveta Kassabova employing intense imagery to reveal the flow of a beautiful life, layered and complex and driven by movement through imagined spaces, saturated with ...

Tzveta II Portraits on Screen (Film 4:37)

  https://vimeocom/32234616 2011 In TZVETA II, Ayo Okunseinde combines graphic design and 3D effects in the exploration of the subtlety and action of Tzveta Kassabova's movement in a dynamic pop art short For TZVETA II the filmmaker ventures to the edge of ...

Maida II – Portraits on Screen (Film 2:54)

2011 - Film short featuring Maida Withers in a whimsical struggle for artistic enlightenment and risk taking with animation by Callison Slater  Shot in the Bella Faccia, Inc television studio as part of Withers' Dance Portraits on Screen Series The concept ...

Maida I – Portraits on Screen (Film) (2:54)

[embed]http://vimeocom/32236928[/embed] Maida Withers; Ayo Okunseinde, Photographer; Anthony Gongora, Video Maida Withers; Ayo Okunseinde, Photographer 2011 - The camera is turned on Maida Withers in this study of motion and the force of nature by Ayodamola (Ayo) Okunseinde Maida I and Maida II are part ...

TUK (Tukuhnikivatz) (18:04)

  This fusion of dance and the environment is an extraordinary journey of eight souls across the majestic breathtaking landscapes of Utah and the  Four Corners Area of the Southwest United States - five dancers, two filmmakers, and one photographer reveal ...

FareWell: Comments by Composer Steve Hilmy

  [embed]https://vimeocom/7346369[/embed] 2009 FareWell - To the End of the World As We Know It OR Dancing Your Way to Paradise! was presented at Performatica: Foro Internacional de Danza Contemporanea y Artes del Movimiento, San Andres Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, 2009  During our ...

FareWell: Comments by Choreographer Maida Withers

[embed]https://vimeocom/7113850[/embed] 2009 -  FareWell - To the End of the World As We Know It OR Dancing Your Way to Paradise! was presented at Performatica: Foro Internacional de Danza Contemporanea y Artes del Movimiento, San Andres Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, 2009  During ...

FareWell: Comments by Media Artist Ayo Okunseinde

[embed]https://vimeocom/7113378[/embed] 2009 - FareWell - Interview of Ayo Okunseinde about his work with Maida presented at Performatica: Foro Internacional de Danza Contemporanea y Artes del Movimiento, San Andres Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, 2009  During our residency Linda Lewett interviewed Maida Withers, choreography/dancer, ...