Category Archives: Event

Sunday Maneuvers

1977 - Site-specific environmental/political  performance event created for Theodore Roosevelt Island National Park Choreography/Collaborators, Maida Withers, Brook Andrews, John Bailey; Stilts, Brook Andrews; Jean Isaacs (pregnant) and  Patrick Nollet performed in plants as nature Musicians performing in the mote, John ...

Obsession – America’s Obsession with Sex

[embed]http://vimeocom/8054192[/embed] Performance in 2 parts:  Part I:  Elvis Pressley / religion impact - Gender transformation; Part II - AIDS  (See ORBIT film: https://vimeocom/7691282 1987 - This evening-length performance is a commentary on the sexual revolution starting with Elvis Presley "Made in the USA" ...

Stall. (Stage Performance)

[embed]https://vimeocom/64802075[/embed] Audio sample:  https://wwwdropboxcom/s/t3sv1een2crmtfr/Stall%20excerpt%209minwav?dl=0 1981 - Stall an evening length collaborative performance of dance, sound sculpture, and music choreographed by Maida Withers, a rotating loudspeaker installation by John Driscoll, composer/sculptor, Phil Edelstein, rotating loudspeaker animation, with dancers from Maida Withers Dance Construction ...

Freedom of Information – 24 Hour Dance

[embed]https://vimeocom/473593512[/embed] 2008 - 24-hour endurance event with Maida blindfolded and with ears plugged In response to the ongoing US military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq, Miguel Gutierrez, NYC, invited artists across the country to participate in Freedom of Information 2008 The ...

Thresholds Crossed (Stage Performance)

2006 - Part I, II, III, IV:   A fusion of East and West that explores the events, ideology and humanistic issues that link the US with the former Soviet Union and contemporary Russia over four decades of time Colored by ...

This Space Occupied (by Maida)

[embed]https://vimeocom/60487039[/embed] 2013 - This Space Occupied (by Maida) is a 4-hour endurance event performed by Maida Withers, dancer/performance artist, with Steve Hilmy, electronic composer-musician  Maida performed in the elevated glass entrance way to the Corcoran Gallery of Art, historic Flagg Building, ...


005 - Evening-length political work created by Maida Withers for the historic Lenin Museum  in Krasnoyarsk Russia with 13 Russian dancers along with Nikolai Shchetnev and three American dance artists The work was first titled, "Memorium"  The work was part ...