Dance Portraits on Screen (Dance Films)

Original Performance on October 21, 2011

2011 – Concept for creating dance film shorts begun by MWDCCo in 2010 where the film making team collaborates with a selected artist (dancer/performance artist/others) to create a personal portrait (movement, language, life view, other). The initial goal was to have more than one filmmaker create a portrait combining dance and media using the same video sources of dance that would result in dance video shorts, companion pieces, to be exhibited in a gallery or museum or online as companion portraits.

A subsidiary organization of MWDCCo – Where Where IS Productions! was established for the purpose of creating films and other new media project and continues.

The current dance films can be viewed in MWDCCo archives under the following titles:

Collision Course – a.k.a. Pillow Talk (Film Short 7:40)
Maida Withers; 6818MRWPortrait4.
Maida Withers (visit Maida I)
Tzveta Kassabova (visit Tzveta I)

The original filming took place at Bella Faccia, an excellent studio with a green screen: ,  Bella Faccia Inc. is Washington, DC’s premier sound stage and production design service company located in Hyattsville, Maryland.
