Category Archives: Installation / Visual
LEGACY: 50 Years Dance on the Edge
LEGACY: 50 Years Dance on the Edge - On View / Corcoran School of Arts and Design, Corcoran Flagg Building Galleries, 500 17th Street NW, Washington, DC LEGACY_Exhibition Booklet HISTORY EXHIBITION - September 23 - October 23 Maida Withers and the Dance Construction ...
Rainforest Awakens
Tania Fraga Maida Withers Steve Hilmy RAINFOREST AWAKENS II [embed]https://vimeocom/471183584[/embed] https://vimeocom/470650599 DRESS REHEARSAL LIVE ZOOM REAL-TIME INTERACTIVE BROADCAST WEBINAR interactive telematic performance with maida withers | performance telemática interactiva com maida withers October 21st | 21 de outubro, 2020, 06h30 PM (EDT) – 19h30 (BRT) Support | Apoios: The ...
Rainforest Awakens
RAINFOREST AWAKENS Artists come together "live and online" to explore beauty and crisis in a visionary 3D Rainforest! Maida Withers, noted dance artist, performs in iridescent 3D virtual worlds of Tania Fraga, Brazilian computer artist, in a sonic forest of sound by Steve Hilmy This occurred during the Corona ...
DIGG – a provocative excavation of the current political landscape
"Withers has created a work that spans the human experience of witnessing modern American politics: anxiety, fear, anger, nervous laughter and resilient hope" Cassie Patterson (2018) "Withers is a dance legend" Carmel Morgan (2018) https://vimeocom/390858979 [embed]https://vimeocom/258150770[/embed] 2018 DIGG - a fiercely intimate multimedia performance experience created and ...
ICEBERGS: Glacial Drift
ICEBERGS National Building Museum Washington, DC presents GLACIAL DRIFT PREMIERE / 2016 Cool Evening with ICEBERGS Dance, Music, and Poetry in the Surreal Underwater-World of ICEBERGS [gallery ids="6111,6098,6110,6109,6108,6107,6106,6105,6104,6103,6102,6101,6100,6099,6097"] [embed]https://wwwyoutubecom/embed/EDehEZkThW4[/embed] GLACIAL DRIFT was one of National Building Museum's Block Party Late Nights that is part of its big summer installation ...
MINDFLUCTUATIONS DANCE, NEUROSCIENCE, VIRTUAL ART, LIVE MUSIC A Java 3D application drives the participants within a metaphorical virtual reality journey World Premiere / Lisner Auditorium March 19, 2015 Washington, DC [embed]https://vimeocom/126002412[/embed] MindFluctuations: Sections performed independently [embed]https://vimeocom/192285756[/embed] Monster Man: https://vimeocom/128670434 [embed]https://vimeocom/128670434[/embed] Woman: https://vimeocom/129210568 [embed]https://vimeocom/129210568[/embed] MindFluctuations, a groundbreaking collaboration between dance, neuroscience, 3D projected computer art, and live electronic ...
MindFluctuation: Offering [embed]https://vimeocom/192285756[/embed] Solo from MindFluctuations, created and performed by Maida Withers; Virtual Worlds by Tania Fraga, 3D Computer Artists, Sao Paulo, Brazil See MindFluctations for complete information
MASQUERADE BALL – Blind Whino (40th Anniversary Celebration)
[embed]https://vimeocom/111740161[/embed] [embed]https://vimeocom/111806662[/embed] 2014 - In celebration of Maida Withers Dance Construction Company’s 40th anniversary, Art Whino is throwing a Masquerade Ball at Blind Whino: SW Arts Club, full of mystery and surprise This full sensory experience will combine performance art with experimental ...
MindFluctuations Numeric Variations Residency Brazil
[embed]https://vimeocom/81430645[/embed] [embed]http://vimeocom/121074310[/embed] 2014 - Maida Withers participated in a residency at the Institute of Mathematics and Art (Instituto de Matematica e Arte) in São Paulo, Brazil in February 2014 As a passionate advocate for the collaboration of art and technology, she and ...
Collision Course – a.k.a. Pillow Talk (Stage Performance)
2012 - A provocative dance theater work from associated memories, dreams, and nightmares, an off-beat yet delightful spectacle about the fiction and reality of LUV for the digital age This evening-length multimedia dance theater work about LUV for the digital ...
Collision Course – a.k.a. Pillow Talk (Installation FILM)
2012 - The video is compiled from projected images, a visual installation created for and projected during the evening-length multimedia performance, Collision Course - aka Pillow Talk, choreographed by Maida Withers in collaboration with the Dance Construction Company (Nate Bond, ...
InVoluntary Encounters
2012 - Maida Withers Dance Construction Company and guest artist choreographers and dancers from NYC, Boston and Japan create an interactive event of dance, live video feed, film, and electronic music that features improvisations by choreographers who perform and a ...
Collision Course – a.k.a. Pillow Talk-Artisphere-
2011 - Three sections of Collision Course - aka Pillow Talk (Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3) were performed at Artisphere, a museum and performance center in Arlington, Virginia, October 21, 2011 The Dome Theatre features a full size film ...
Hekuras – Spirits of the Rainforest (USA)
[caption id="attachment_4670" align="alignnone" width="4600"] 2010 - Hekuras - Spirits of the Rainforest was first created in São Paulo, Brazil (2002) with Brazilian dancers during a three-week residency The version presented in Washington, DC maintained some of the thematic movement materials, ...
FareWell – Rising Tide
[embed]https://vimeocom/6834436[/embed] 2009 - a dance work that is part of the FareWell project, a series of several dances, examines the rising of our oceans and the pollution of the seas and waterways with plastic water bottles and other debris and chemicals ...