Crossing the Edge
Original Performance on
January 12, 1991
1991 – A physically aggressive duet danced to a saxophone score. The dancers establish a rapport on the ledge between Earth and Sky – dancers John Lancaster and Leah Kline Tabassi at Dance Place January 12 and 13, 1991.
Crossing the Edge was the opening work in the evening followed by Spirit Path, Migration, Remains.
Part of Withers Earth/environment consciousness period. The performance was first danced by Maida and Mark and later by John and Leah Kline Tabassi
Sequence in files:
Crossing the Edge (duet on diagonal)
Spirit Path
Artists and Collaborators
- Choreographer
- Dancers/collaborators
- Dancers/collaborators
- Flyer
- Music / Saxophonist
- Light Design