No More Ping Pong Balls – Intervieux: Maida on Erica
No More Ping Pong Balls
Performance Intervieux: Maida on Erica
The life of Erica Rebollar, birthday girl and celebrant, exposed through an unclassified, no boundaries interview setup configured in a unexpected disorganization by dance artist friend and provocateur, Maida Withers. Please throw your ping pong ball if you perceive Erica is telling an UNTRUTH or a TRUTH in the interview. The performance concludes when there are “No More Ping Pong Balls.
40andupflyer (Click to view photos and text)
ERICA and FRIENDS: 40 and Up!
Joe’s Movement Emporium and Erica Rebollar present a rare opportunity to experience original modern dance choreography by eight nationally and internationally acclaimed choreographers over the age of 40, organized by RebollarDance, on June 17-18, 2017.
In 40 and UP!, Erica Rebollar of RebollarDance partners with nine national and international eclectic professional artists over 40 years of age to celebrate the works, wit and wisdom of age. Featuring the best choreographers from the DC/Baltimore area plus critically acclaimed out of town guest artists, 40 and UP! features work exploring everything from entangled lovers in Eurydice by Macolm Shute to empty promises in Giselle Ruzany’s Dry Cleaning. Featured choreographers joining Erica Rebollar include: Helanius Wilkins, Sharon Mansur, Carol Hess-Vait, Dan Kwong, Sandra Lacy, Jack Kirven, Giselle Rusany, and Malcolm Shute. Maida Withers
Select Artist Participants_2017
rebollar and friends program (Click to View Program)
Artists and Collaborators