Turker Ozdogan
Mask Designer
Work: TUK (Tukuhnikivatiz)
Turker Ozdogan (ceramic artist) has received national and international recognition through a variety of research grants and awards, juried expositions, and one-person exhibitions. His ceramic art has been reviewed and featured on television and in newspapers and periodicals as well as reproduced in texts on ceramics. Ozdogan received his initial ceramics training and master of ceramics diploma at the Applied Fine Arts School, Istanbul, Turkey. In his ceramic work, Ozdogan links Turkic and North American Indian peoples through color and decorative motif. Ozdogan brings together favorite forms and themes to express his fervent belief in a common heritage of these peoples. GWU Art Department, Ceramic Program, MFA candidates, Colleen Schneider and Mizue Croswell, will collaborate to create masks worn by dancers and “spirit figures” for Utah * Tukuhnikivatz.