David Liban
Film Maker
David Liban (video) filmmaker, Director of GW’s Electronic Media Program, received his M.F.A. in Television Production from Brooklyn College in New York, and has worked in the field of electronic media for 12 years as a producer and director of television and film. His projects are often fictional stories about unusual people, but he also produces non-fiction television programming. He joined the faculty at the George Washington University in the fall of 1999. Numerous national and international film festivals have recognized his films and videos. He has recently completed a new short film. For more specific details visit http://home.earthlink.net/~dliban.
Works: Aurora/2001: Dance of the Auroras- Fire in the Sky (The Sun/Vrtual Sun, Solar Wind towards Magnetosphere; Magnetic Storm Seen from Above; View from the Earth) (2001-2003)