Sphota Probe with Alex Caldiero

Original Performance on December 5, 2003

2003 – Alex Caldiero performance poet, scholar, author (Salt Lake City, Utah) performs live his poem, Sphota  Probe, with dancers  Maida Withers and Katia Chupashko.  Katia performs Thresholds Crossed SOLO (Katia Chupashko) using a vertical standing casket with light inside and a red interior while Maida Withers improvises around her and engages with a second reclining casket on stage.   This work was performed as part of the DC 9th Annual International Improvisation Plus+ Festival at the Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre.  Alex Caldiero, sonosphere/poet, from Salt Lake City,  has written a truly amazing evening-length poem “Sphota Probe” that he performs on stage with the dancers.


Artists and Collaborators
Performance Poet
Dance Artist
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