A Moving Interview, Maida Withers, Argentina
Web page in Argentina with video and descriptions: https://productoraobjetoa.wordpress.com/2014/02/26/entrevista-performatica-a-maida-withers/
Moving Interview
Original unedited footage – Maida improvised talking and dancing as Arceli Marquez, asked questions.
The footage here is unedited. It contains the total interview (55:00 minutes):|
Three minute version of the moving interview:
YouTube document interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prjf8ySEBsQ&t=8s (short 3:00 interview by Maxi Willi ) 3:00
Entrevista Performática a Maida Withers
04:20 footage of Maida in a MOVING interview with Arceli Marquez, dancer in Argentina.
The above video shows the technical crew and then Maida improvising starting with I am a desert Rat! I was born, etc (technical crew) Maida shares chair; technical crew;
Talks about living my life…spontaneity, embarrassment, shame, etc. (see many with camera and then Maida); improv with dancer on the stairs; “mirror mirror on the wall who is fairest of them all?; sit on floor; table with technology and music no words.
https://productoraobjetoa.wordpress.com/2014/02/26/entrevista-performatica-a-maida-withers/ Web page includes photos of the residency.
The above is the Back Stage view of the interview showing camera persons.
2014 – “A Moving Interview…” Maida Withers participated in an interview sponsored by A.Mov.Er and Lujan Oulton, Objeto-á Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Maida was in Argentina following the MindFluctuations residency in Sao Paulo, Brazil at the Institute of M
“Ascenso…una improvisación”, es un momento entre dos bailarinas. En su paso por Buenos AIres, la bailarina y coreógrafa norteamericana Maida Withers realizó diferentes actividades artísticas. Junto Araceli Marquez, “Ascenso…” es una de las producciones conjuntas entre A.MO.VER y Maida Withers.
A.Mov.Er Comments:
“Maida Withers. Dancer, choreographer, performer, visual and multimedia artist … mother.”
“The collective AMOVER take this brief stay in Argentina of Maida, to create this work, bordering between performatic + interview and documentary. leaving the common place, responses involve the body that gives movement to the words … talks about the creative process, the use of, and research into new technologies. art as a way of life. Site in specific… among other things. Her admirable vitality, is a source of inspiration for new generations.”
Maida’s comments:
Maida answered questions related to art and technology in a two hour interview for A.Mov.Er. The request was to talk about her artistic process and insight into the merging of dance and technology.
Maida spoke and moved in a stream-of-consciousness fashion while being interviewed by Arceli Marquez, Argentine dancer. The interview was videotaped and the “live” video was immediately projected back into the performance space of Maida and Arceli. The video was interfacing with the “Isadora” technology program altering the images.
Project organizers and video artists: Maximiliana Wille, Adrian Salinas, and Lujan Oulton.
See Ascenso (maidadance.com/works/ascenso.
Improvisation performance, film short,

What the press is saying
"En su visita a la Argentina, Maida Withers directora de Dance Construction Company, realizó una entrevista perfomática con el colectivo artístico A.Mo.Ver y Objeto à." Melina Masnatta
Artists and Collaborators
- Project Director, Camera, Isadora (live) Isadora
- Production
- Performer, Interviewee
- Performer, Interviewer
- Director, Objeto a; www.objeto-a.com.ar
- Camera
- Audio Visual
- Agradecimientos