Category Archives: Classes
GW Dance Technique as Performance
[embed]https://vimeocom/211768902[/embed] In 2017, five dancers, students at George Washington University, studied with Maida Withers, to explore a course, Dance Technique as Performance The course was divided into four segments After three weeks of studying movement and movement phrases, the students performed ...
Cuba (Havana and Santiago de Cuba)
2007 (February 5 to 10) - USA modern dancers traveled to Santiago de Cuba under the leadership of Jim LePore to study the dance and music ritual of the professional company, Cutumba Ballet Folklorico Santiago de Cuba At the time, ...
BUTOH: Kazuo Ohno Workshop, Japan
1995 - Maida was invited to observe Kazuo Ohno teach his regular evening class in his home studio, Kamihoshikawa, built in 1961 in Hodogaye, Yokohama, Japan Maida was introduced to Kazuo Ohno by Gozo Yoshimasu, poet and filmmaker, and Marilia, ...