Thresholds Crossed – Norilsk Performance
Luba Kusovnikova, producer and intellect, in Russia invited Maida Withers to attend an indigenous peoples conference in Norilsk, Russia and present a section of Thresholds Crossed as part of the conference. Russian Dancers, Konstantin Grouss and Anastasia Oleynik perform a duet from Thresholds Crossed. We were required to have a special visa for Norilsk due to the role of Norilsk in natural metals and also military operations. The conference was dedicated to issues share by Sami peoples in Russia, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. One of the oldest and most polluted cities in Russia. Permafrost situation most interesting.
Luba also invited MWDCCo to participate in a three-week creative arts residency in Solovky Island in the North Sea of Russia in the White Sea.