Salon – Little Salon

2015, February 28, 2015  Evening Little  Salon Event for the Arts and Social Engagement

MWDCCo invited to give informal performance in historic high level (house of prostitution) in Wasington, DC.  Group of interested (mostly middle aged) patrons of the arts meet in different interesting DC homes to enjoy performance, art, and the company of others of similar interests.

MWCDDo performed improvisations based on MindFluctuations  in the large main room of what was originally a house of prostitution for the wealthy and elite.

Invitation:  “My name’s Chris Maier and I run a one-of-a-kind monthly creative event called Little Salon. each salon takes place in a different home, often in a different neighborhood in DC, and aims to expose the 100 or so guests to small doses of the best-of-the-best creative work being generated here in DC. Every event is curated and every performance ranges from 6–10 minutes, followed by a lively Q&A from the very engaged audience. Below I’ll include some links to our site and media clips that will help you get a better sense of what we’re up to.”

Artists and Collaborators