Category Archives: Stage Works
3D Dance / Future View (Film 4:04)
2002 - Maida Withers collaborates with Dan Sternklar, 3D filmmaker, to create 3D Dance / Future View, a 3D film of an improvised site performance (Film Short 4:04) Maida Withers, Nicholette Routhier, and Tommy Parlon dance on a stage set ...
Hekuras – Spirits of the Rainforest (Brazil)
2002 - Original title: A River Runs Deep; São Paulo, Brazil) Multidimensional dance, computer art, new music based on the mythology and power of the Amazon Rainforest - Spirits of the Rainforest Created in São Paulo, Brazil during a three-week residency ...
Hekuras (Visual Installation)
2002 - Tania Fraga, Brazilian Computer artist, created original virtual art worlds that became projected environments/installations on stage for the dances - Hekuras - Spirits of the Rainforest (Brazil, 2002) and Hekuras - Spirits of the Rainforest (GW, 2010) The virtual ...
Investigation of Late
2002 - Maida created and performed a duet with Lotta Lundgren, dancer from Sweden, for the concert Five Views - 5 Companies that was produced in the Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre, May 3 and 4, 2002 in Washington, DC Investigation of Late ...
2001 and 2002 - Dance was an early commentary on surveillance technques coming into lives of everyday people Women's trio with projected real-time interactive images originating from the wireless video camera worn on the chest of dancer, Kerry Joyce First performed ...
Dance of the Auroras – Fire in the Sky, DC
[embed]https://vimeocom/102399026[/embed] [embed]https://vimeocom/102248165[/embed] 2001 A Four Part performance: I: "The Sun/Virtual Sun" II: "Solar Wind Towards Magnetosphere" III: "Magnetic Storm Seen from Above" IV: "View from the Earth" "A poetic journey through space using real-time interaction with cyber worlds and movies and images of the sun and the ...
Dance of the Auroras – Virtual Virgins, Le Sol, Shaman
2000 - Maida Withers Dance Construction Company was honored to be invited to perform as part of the Dance Place 20/20 Visions Anniversary Concert celebrating 20 years of sponsoring and presenting dance In the year 2000, Dance of the Auroras ...
Dance of the Auroras – Part III – Magnetic Storm Seen From Above
2000 St Petersburg, Russia (April 2000) Residency with Kannon Dance School and Company, St Petersburg, Russia • Maida Withers created Part III Magnetic Storm of Dance of the Auroras – Fire in the Sky with Iwona Olszowska, dancer from Poland, and ...
K.A.C. Int’l Exchange: Dance Concert Improvisation (50 anniversary Taejon. Korea)
[embed]https://vimeocom/102128125[/embed] 1999 - Jey Young Kim, Korea, Mandy Yim, China, Sarah Slifer and Maida Withers, USA improvised in a concert performance November 15, 1999, for the KAC International Exchange Modern Dance Festival in Taejon, Korea Classical Korean musicians played for the ...
Pitfalls – nose to cement and other falling tales told on the way down
[embed]https://vimeocom/92275174[/embed] View: Pitfalls, MWDCC 1999 -Three dancers with MWDCCo perform choreography involving falling and not falling while stories about falling were told by audience members invited to come to the microphone and tell the story during the performance The trio had it's ...
Dance Works by International Women (Venezuela/DC)
October 31 to November 2, 1997 Maida Withers Dance Construction Company toured to Venezuela to perform with Taller Experimental de Danza Pisorrojo The Dance Construction Company invited Phffft Dance Company (Cyrus Khambatta) to join in the tour MWDCCo was honored to ...
Nose to cement and other falling tales told on the way down, GW dancers
[embed]http://vimeocom/88541985[/embed] Please reference Pitfallsnose to cement and fall tales told on the way down (trio by members of Maida Withers Dance Construction Company) GW Dancers: The original performance was done by thirteen GW dancers Stories about falling down were recorded by members ...
1997 - Duet between Maida Withers and Sarah Slifer that features the relationship between a mature woman and a young woman Toured to Venezuela, Korea, and Brazil NeverthelessTenderness was performed at the Aula Magna Theatre, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, ...
Utah * Spirit Place * Spirit Planet * Tukuhnikivatz
1996 - an evening length multimedia installation and performance based on ancient and contemporary earth consciousness commissioned by Lincoln Center for Lincoln Center Out of Doors, GREAT DANCE in the Band Shell Series, Damrosch Park, New York City, NY ...
Stone Circle
1995 - Stone Circle (performance prepared in Washington, DC as Stone Ring with the principal collaborators and several GW MFA / BA dancers (See Stone Ring work in archive) On arrival in Tokyo, several costumes had been prepared by an associate ...